AC Hotel Chapel Hill Downtown
The AC Hotel in downtown Chapel Hill transforms Southern hospitality, melding contemporary architecture with local art, including a community mural. Guestrooms are an oasis of modern design, with sleek furnishings, classic hardwoods, free WiFi, wide-screen TVs, individual climate control, and the best bed you’ll sleep in besides your own. A 24-hour fitness center means you don’t have to leave your exercise routine at home. Hang out in the AC Lounge – all the locals do! – for small plates and specialty cocktails mixed with local spirits from Chapel Hill’s own Top of the Hill Distillery. Our patio moves easy Carolina evenings from sweet tea on the front porch to G&Ts around the outdoor fireplace. This beautiful hotel near the University of North Carolina is walkable to campus, downtown and surrounding area; but there’s also a free shuttle. Hotel is smoke-free.